My Younger Days



  Birth and Name
  Death of Grandmother
  Wounded while Flying a Kite
  Training in Etiquette
  A Favorite of a Clan Elder
  Commodore Perry's Visit
  Prince Itakura
  Studying Dutch
  Attending the Prince
  Formidable Dutch Warships
  First Voyage on a Steamer
  Finding the Heavenly Father
  Changing of Thought, Making of Decision
  Planning to Visit Hakodate
  A Farewell Dinner
  Pere Nicholi
  Planning Flight from Japan
  Boarding the Berlin at Risk of Life
  Shanghai Bound
  Terribly Enraged
  On Board the Wild Rover, Off for Boston!

  My Younger Days


 Joseph Hardy Neesima

Cover Page of My Younger Days




Original text written by Joseph Hardy Neesima:

My Younger Days

Copyright: 1934 Doshisha Koyukai. All Rights Reserved.
1970 the eleventh version
Printed by Eibundo at Teramachi, Imadegawa, Kyoto City


To whom I owe more than to my own parents for their boundless love and untiring interest manifested in my welfare, both temporal and spiritual, I most gratefully and affectionately dedicate this brief narrative of my younger days.

Their ever grateful child,
Joseph Hardy Neesima
KYOTO, JAPAN, Aug. 29, 1885.



Birth and Name
Death of Grandmother
Wounded while Flying a Kite
Training in Etiquette
A Favorite of a Clan Elder
Commodore Perry's Visit
Prince Itakura
Studying Dutch
Attending the Prince
Formidable Dutch Warships
First Voyage on a Steamer
Finding the Heavenly Father
Changing of Thought, Making of Decision
Planning to Visit Hakodate
A Farewell Dinner
Pere Nicholi
Planning Flight from Japan
Boarding the Berlin at Risk of Life
Shanghai Bound
Terribly Enraged
On Board the Wild Rover, Off for Boston!


Birth and Name

I was born in a family which served a prince of Japan, who had his palace in the city of Yedo (called Tokyo, the eastern capital, since 1868), within a short distance of the Shogun's castle, and his possession of land in a province of Kodzuke, the castle town of which is called Annaka, and is situated on one of the two roads directly extending from Yedo to Kyoto. It is a humble town having a population not exceeding four thousand, and lies seventy miles nearly north of the capital. His palace at Yedo was surrounded by the extensive houses of his retainers, which exactly formed a square inclosure. I was born within this inclosure on the 14th of January, in the year of 1843 (Old Japanese style. According to our mode of reckoning, February 12, 1843). Previous to my birth four girls were born. So I was the first son in the family. In those days, when the feudal system was still in full sway, boys were much preferred to girls in those families which are entitled to wear two swords as a mark of the rank called Samurai by the native tongue; for there must be a male heir to the family in order to perpetuate its rank and allowance in case of the father's death. For that reason my birth caused great joy to the family, and particularly to my grandfather. When he heard a boy was born he exclaimed Shimeta I which is a most joyous exclamatory phrase often used by our people when they come to realize some long cherished hopes or wishes. Just about that time it was a part of our New Year days, as our old lunar month came a month later than our solar year. 2 It was then a high time with us. Every house was decorated by some complicated fantastic ornaments called Shime. At the day dawn, just before the ornaments were removed from the house, a male babe was introduced into the family. On account of the Shime, a good omen, I was doubtless named after it, and was called Shimeta, a man of the Shime. But a story went round among our neighbors that I was named after my grandfather's exclamation Shimeta ! when I was born. It may have a double meaning. At any rate I was called Shimeta, and it was written after the family name Neesima, according to our usage. Of course I have no knowledge of the events that happened in my home during my babyhood.


But, so far as I recollect, I was a pet child of the family, especially of my grandfather. I was chiefly brought up on his lap. I have, also, some faint recollection of being carried occasionally bymy grandmother. I was often taken out of doors on my sisters' backs, when my mother busied herself at home with sewings and mendings. At my fourth year my brother was born. I can wellremember how happy I was with that occasion. I alsoremember what a tiny babe he was, and I thought hownice it would be when he grew a little larger and Imight spin a top or fly a kite for him. At my fifth year I was taken to the temple of a god,who was supposed to be my life guardian, to offer tohim the thanks of the family for his protection over me. It was a most joyous occasion to the family. My fatherbought for me two little swords to wear then. A nicesuit of silk dressing was also made for me to wear onthat occasion. I was accompanied by my parents andgrandparents to present myself at the temple. When we came home I was loaded with candies, littlekites, tops, and all sorts of playthings.

Death of Grandmother

I remember quite well what impressive thing the death of a person was when my grandmother departed to the world beyond. She was a woman of an amiabledisposition, and used to give much alms to the poor in her latter life. She was often told by some Buddhist priests that her future abode should be the happy Nirvana, on account of her constant almsgiving. I recollect very well what she said at her death-bed: 'O, I am going ! O, I am going !' I supposed then that she was intending to go to the happy Nir vana, to be received into the bosom of the merciful Buddha. I also remember what confusion took place in my home at her funeral, how our neighbors came to our house, how they tried to console the bereaved family, and how generously my grandfather provided for them many kinds of sweetmeats, rice, sake, etc. I was then six years old. When her funeral took place I followed in the procession, partly walking and partly being carried on a man's back. We started fromhome early in the morning on account of the distanceof the temple, in the yard of which she was to be buriedwith her ancestors. We were all received in the largehall of the temple, where numbers of the priestsappeared in purple, red, and black robes, making asolemn ceremony by beating drums, striking cymbals,and repeating some sacred writings of Buddha. While I was quite young my father used to take me outto temples of the different gods to worship, as certaindays of the months or years are especially devoted tothem. On those occasions the temple grounds weregenerally crowded by all sorts of peddlers, sellingpictures, kites, tops, divers kinds of playthings,cakes, candies, fruits, flowers, shrubs, etc. I must not forget to mention here what devoted pagan worshipers my father and grandfather were. They never missed going to the temples to worship on special days, and also kept numerous gods at home. A dozen of them were kept in the sitting-room, a dozenmore in the parlor, with the tablets of their ancestors,and at least a half dozen in the kitchen. They offered them tea and rice in the morning and lights in the evening. At each offering they made the most profound bows before them, and made some prayers in behalf of the family. So far as I can recollect, they must have been thoroughly convinced that the life and prosperity of the family were depending on them. Being quite young and thoughtless, I supposed that my grandfather and father were the best people that ever lived in the world. Of course, I followed their example set before me, and often bowed myself down before these dumb idols, having some childish ambition that I might acquire some wisdom and skill to become an accomplished samurai.


As my father was a teacher of penmanship, he wasespecially devoted to a god of penmanship and learning,and went to his temple and prayed to him that his sonmight become skillful in penmanship. I knew most toowell how desirous he was that I should become his successor and helper in teaching. I really dislikedto devote myself to that tedious business, but I wascompelled by him to spend half a day throughout yearsof my younger days in writing those perpendicular characters over and over after the copies carefullywritten by him. With regard to the home education I received in my younger days, I might here narrate one instance. One day I was naughty and refused to make an errand for my mother, and when she gave me a scolding I returned her an improper word. My grandfather heard it, came directly after me and caught me withoutsaying a word, rolled me up in a night coverlet, and shut me up in a closet. After an hour's confinement Iwas released from the punishment, which was, I believe,the first one I ever received from my grandfather. I thought then he was too severe for a trifling offense, and went to a corner of the parlor to weep. After a while he came to me and urged me gently that I must no longer weep. Then he told me a story of thebamboo-shoot, in a most tender and affectionate manner I ever heard before. It was told in a naive poem whichmeans as follows: 'If I do not care for it, I wouldnever use my rod for shaking the snow off from thedown-bent branch of a young bamboo-shoot.' Then he asked, 'Do you understand its meaning, my dear?' and explainedits meaning himself. You are young yet, and just as tenderas a bamboo-shoot. If your evil inclinations spoil you,as a slight pressure of snow might easily break down thetender shoot, how sad I should be, my dear. Do you suppose 'I am unkind to you by thus punishing you ?' I remained speechless then, but I understood full well what he meant,and what kind intention he had for correcting me. I wasreally ashamed of my naughtiness, and thought that mygrand father was very kind in thus punishing me. I believe this talk made a deep impression on my young mind, and helped me to behave much better than before.

Wounded while Flying a Kite

However, I was just gay and playful as other boys were. I was very fond of spinning tops, rolling hoops, and flying kites. I was especially fond of the latter play, and when I went out to fly my kite often forgot to come homeat the regular mealtime, which troubled my mother exceedingly. On that account my father refused to buy any more kites for me; so I secured everything necessary for making one without his knowledge, and made a first-rate one myself. How gay I was then I can hardly describe, when I saw it going straight up toward the blue sky. I was also very fond of running and jumping. A scar on my left temple is a reminder of an accidental fall which was a great humiliation to me, and confined me at home nearly twomonths. Since then I gave up those boyish rough plays,and became fond of staying at home, either for studyingor writing. I took also some drawing lessons from our neighbor, and drew birds, flowers, trees, and mountains,after the regular Japanese style, without a perspective. I was just over nine years old then.

Training in Etiquette

Being the heir ta the family, I was specially warnedby my mother to make most profound bows to those higherofficers employed by my prince. It was her ambitionthat through their favor I might be promoted to a rankmuch higher than my father's. But I did not pay anyattention to such a matter, as some young fellows ofour neighbors did, that is, to be very polite in bowing,and expert in using flattering terms. My boyishnessdisliked it. Furthermore I was very shy, and had someslight impediment in my speech. I could hardly speakdistinctly when I was obliged to converse with strangers. Sometimes I refused to speak even to our neighbors. It caused a great anxiety to my mother. Either throughher influence or my father's decision, I was sent to a school of etiquette, to learn to make the most profound bows, most graceful manners and movements, etc., in a company of noblemen, and to acquire also the polite style of conversational phrases. My teacher seemed to me a man of real genius. He told me many interesting stories, and invited me to come to him as often as I could. I believe I spent more than a year in acquiring the old-fashioned politeness, although I was not aware at the time of its benefit.

A Favorite of a Clan Elder

All the events of my younger life took place within the square inclosure belonging to my prince. It was a mere little spot, but to me it was no small world. Whatsoever events took place, or whatsoever gossip was circulated, all seemed to my boyish mind no small affair. And above all, the prince seemed a regular terror to us. He could either behead us or expel us at his own pleasure, as disgraced servants. Any little favor conferred upon us from him was considered by us a great luck. So everybody belonging to him desired to secure his favor through his elder men, who were really the governors of his whole estate. My father used to take me to one of these elder men while JL was quite young; afterward I went to his house alone, without being accompanied by my father, because I was invited by him to come there as often as I would. As he was childless, he was always delighted to have me come and play with him when he had nothing in particular to do. Staying there towards evening, I often slept on his lap and was carried home in his arms. When I began to draw some pictures, I used to take them to show to him, and he was really delighted to see the progress I made. He often invited me to come to his house when he had company. As I had acquired some manner of politeness at the school of etiquette, especially in the cup-bearing and waiting upon gentlemen at their meals or banquets, I was quite serviceable to him on such occasions. He often took me with him when he went out to worship his ancestors or his guardian gods. I was really attached to him, because he loved me as if I were his own son. He was a good horseman and expert in shooting arrows. Moreover, he was a man of some character. He often rebuked his prince for his extreme arbitrariness, and also for his excessive drinking. So the prince felt uncomfortable to keep him near him, and sent him off to his castle town Annaka to represent him to the people, although it was called by the prince a promotion. What a painful day it was for me when he was ready to leave Yedo for Annaka ! I went as far as an outskirt of that immense city, with my father and many others, to see him off. I wept bitterly when I took my last farewell. He was somewhat affected, but manfully concealed it and showed me an affectionate and touching smile. His last word to me was,' Good-by, Shimeta; be a good boy. When you grow up larger, come up to Annaka to see me.' Then he bade his attending servants to start for the journey. He was then carried away on a kago [palanquin], being followed by many attendants, and I came home with my father dreadfully tired and disappointed. This was one of the great events that happened to me within the first decade of my life. The marriages of my two elder sisters took place within this decade.

Commodore Perry's Visit

Just about this time the country was in a most painful condition. The people were accustomed to peace under the reign of the Tokugawa family, nearly three centuries. Their laws were rigid and fixed. Their executive officers were extremely suspicious and fearfully oppressive. The ambition of the people was completely crushed down. Many samurai had almost forgotten how to use their swords. Coats of mail were stored in ware houses merely as curiosities, and were useless from decay. In fact the people had become cowardly, corrupt, and effeminate. Licentiousness prevailed almost universally throughout the country. Truly some reformation was needed. A few far-sighted patriots lamented over this sad state, and cherished some hope for a regular renovation. But it was almost beyond their expectations to see it. Just about that time [1853] the famous American fleet commanded by Commodore Perry made a sudden appearance in our waters. It caused an awful commotion in the country. The people were frightened by the terrible sound of the American cannon. However, most of the leading princes of the country raised a most impatient war-cry against the Americans, and urged the government of the Shogun to expel them from our waters at once. But we had no forts, no warships, no cannons, no trained army to fight with. The Shogun's chief counselors were quick enough to see how useless it would be to attempt to expel the Americans from our waters. They knew also that the motive of the Americans was entirely peaceful, and agreed with them to open a few ports for commerce. This very treaty with the Americans was soon followed by treaties with some European powers. But the action of the Shogun's counselors offended these impetuous princes. All sorts of charges were brought upon his government. He was called by them a coward, a slave to the foreign barbarians, etc. The party spirit was soon kindled. The leading princes of Kyushu and Shikoku islands leagued together and rose up against him. They sent out a number of their spirited young samurai all over the country to stir up the hatred of the people against the misgovernment of the Shogun, and also against the foreign nations. The cry to restore the imperial reign and expel the foreign barbarians then became almost universal. It was indeed the starting-point of our late revolution, which happily resulted in the restoration of the imperial reign, and also in the freer opening of the foreign intercourse, instead of expelling foreigners from our shores.

Prince Itakura

I must not forget to mention something of my prince in connection with this extraordinary period of our national history. He was quite accomplished in Chinese classics, and was well known in the country as the finest scholar among the princes. He was a man of far sight, and quite fixed in his purpose. About five or six years before the American fleet appeared in our waters, this prince, who spent most of his time in his own secluded palace, perceived that the military system of the country must be improved, and the people must be better educated and well informed. He selected a few promising young men out of his own retainers and sent them to a military school just established under the auspices of the Shogun's government. He gave out an order to his retainers and compelled every one of them, except some aged ones, to take lessons in sword-fencing and horseback riding. Furthermore, he established a Chinese school and made education compulsory to his younger subjects. As he was subject to excessive drinking, and was very fond of giving costly gifts to his favorite friends and subjects in his younger days, he found his treasury almost empty when he came to equip his retainers with foreign arms. There was no other way for him to procure money than to impose an extra duty on the farmers and merchants living in his dominions, for purchasing cannon and muskets of the European model, just introduced to the country by the Hollanders. He confiscated all the bronze bells from the Buddhist temples found in his dominion, and cast a number of the field-pieces and mortars out of them. By making such an extraordinary effort he was enabled to provide a sufficient number of cannon and muskets of the new model for the use of all his retainers. Accepting the order of the prince, I began to go to riding and fencing schools at the eleventh year of my age. I did not enjoy the horseback riding so much as I did the sword-exercise. Horses were not well trained; some of them were just ugly as can be, and I was often carried on their backs instead of riding upon them.

Studying Dutch

At the age of fourteen I gave up these exercises and devoted myself closely to the study of the Chinese classics. Just about this time my prince invited a native scholar [Dr. Sugita], who was well versed in Dutch, to his court, to teach his subjects that strange language. He selected only three youths out of his subjects to take lessons from him. I was one of the three chosen by him and the youngest of all. I studied Dutch with him nearly one year. His scholarship was soon made known to the Shogun's government, and he was appointed to go to Nagasaki to receive instruction from the Hollanders in engineering and navigation. After he went away I gradually lost my interest in studying Dutch, and suspended it temporarily. In the meanwhile I made considerable progress in Chinese. On that account, as a special favor, I was promoted by my prince to be an assistant teacher in his Chinese school, and became more interested in studying that language. At that time the prince became seriously ill and died. It caused me a great disappointment and sorrow. His younger brother succeeded him and became our prince. But he was far inferior to his deceased brother in every respect. He cared nothing for improving the condition of his retainers. All the affairs of the prince's court assumed a different aspect. He found his enjoyment chiefly in eating and drinking. He often listened to his favorite mistress for promoting or rejecting his officers. I felt then all my hope for carrying out my study was gone. However, I was not idle in securing my purpose, and endeavored to keep up my study as much as I could. My father became doubtful whether it would be wise to pursue my study any further. He was afraid of my being influenced by those mannerless and careless fellows he often found among our students. Beside that, he was still cherishing a hope that I should become his successor in the penmanship school. So he began to interfere with my study and to urge me to assist him in teaching the penmanship. But I was very unwilling to do so. In those days it was almost next to an impossibility for a son to disobey his father's command. So I was bound to obey him. The only hope I had for obtaining my aim was to secure some favor from my Chinese teacher, and also from that gentleman in Annaka whom I have previously mentioned. While I was seriously contemplating on the subject, those friends were taken away from me by death, one after another, within a few months. How disheartened I was then ! I often exclaimed within myself: 'My prince is gone, and my teacher also. The friend at Annaka, on whom I hung the last cord of my hope, is also taken away from me. What unfortunate fellow I must be ! Who will help me to continue my study ? What will be my fate in future ?' I felt I was left almost alone and helpless in the world.

Attending the Prince

When I completed my fifteenth year I was obliged to commence my service to the prince. It was my duty to sit in the little office connected with the front entrance hall of his palace. There were always more than half a dozen persons in the office. Our business was to watch the hall, and whenever the prince went out or came home we were all obliged to sit on one side of the hall in a row and bow ourselves profoundly before him upon the matted floor. Beside that, we used to keep some records for him. But our chief occupation was to spend our time in silly gossip, talking, laughing, and frequent tea-drinkings. I found it almost unbearable to keep company with them. Yet there was no way for me to excuse myself from its participation. Furthermore, I was much prevented by them from studying in the office. Early in the spring of my seventeenth year, my prince was ordered by the Shogun to go to Osaka to keep watch of that great castle built by our renowned hero Hideyoshi, who conquered and governed the whole empire of Japan about three centuries ago. Of course the prince took with him a number of his retainers. My father was one of them. He followed the prince as his scribe, und left his school in my charge. I was also ordered by the prince to be a scribe in his court at Yedo during his absence. While I was so much pressed by a double duty, both at home and in the prince's court, a fresh desire for knowing the European nations came to me, and I found it almost irresistible. Dutch was then the only European language we could study. I found a good teacher in that language within a mile from my home. I used to go there whenever I could spare a little time, although I was much tied up to many duties. But when I became intensely interested in the new study, I began to neglect my duties, so inexcusably imposed upon me by my prince and my father. I often absented myself from the office, although I was required to be there, I did this purposely, beeause I wished to be discharged from my service on account of my disregarding the prince's order. But as there was no one to take my place there, I was still kept in the office. My frequent absences gave the superior officer, who kept the prince's palace during his absence, great inconvenience. He found much writing to be done, but on coming to the office he did not find me there, and often scolded me. But I did not mind it. I simply requested him to discharge me from the service at once. Finding me beyond his control, he often summoned my grandfather to his office and scolded him also. So my grandfather began to meddle with my study. But I remaiued as obstinate as ever, and kept up my study even in this trying way. When my father returned he resumed his service, and I was released. Still I could not get rid of the service of the prince altogether.

Formidable Dutch Warships

Just about that time the country was in fearful commotion. Assassination and bloodshed occurred here and there almost every day. Being frightened by this, my coward prince selected a number of the younger persons from his retainers to be his lifeguards. Unfortunately, I was chosen to be one of them. Whenever he went out of his palace I was obliged to follow him. Early in the spring of my eighteenth year I followed him as far as Annaka. Of course he was carried in a kago, and we, his lifeguards, were obliged to follow him on foot. It required in me no small amount of patience to be forced into such a servitude. When I came home from Annaka I was utterly disgusted with the prince's service. I often planned to run away from home in order to get rid of it, but I was not bold enough to do so. I was too fondly tied up to my home, and was much afraid of causing great sorrow and disgrace to my parents and grandfather. While I was in this hard fix I was not discouraged with the hopeless outlook, and attempted to secure a favor from one of the prince's elder men. Through his influence I was partially exempted from the prince's service. How glad I was then when I found more leisure hours to study. At that time I had just acquired Dutch enough to read a simple treatise on physics and astronomy. But I was utterly ignorant of mathematics, and the simplest calculations in this treatise were beyond my comprehension. So I was prompted to go to the Shogun's naval school just established in Yedo, and take lessons in arithmetic from its very rudiments. I believe it was then the only school in the country where I coidd find efficient teachers in mathematics. There I had chances to hear from my teachers of the foreign steamers, and sometimes I wished to see them. One day I happened to walk on the shore of Yedo Bay and caught a sight of the Dutch warships lying at anchor. They looked so stately and formidable ! When I compared those dignified sea-queens side by side with our clumsy and disproportioned junks, nothing further was needed to convince me that the foreigners who built such warships must be more intelligent and a superior people to the Japanese. It seemed to me a mighty object lesson to rouse up my ambition to cry out for the general improvement and renovation of my country. I supposed the first thing to be done would be to create a naval fjrce, and also to build vessels of the foreign style to facilitate the foreign commerce. This new idea prompted me to pursue the study of navigation. In a course of two years' hard work I finished my arithmetic, algebra, and geometry, and also acquired the rudiments of theoretical navigation; but my study was sadly interrupted by severe measles. My illness was a very serious one, and utterly enfeebled me. I was obliged to stay away from my school nearly three months. While I was yet feeble I began to study algebra in a Dutch book, and got through with it before I found myself strong enough to go out of doors. But this apparent little gain caused me great loss. Weak eyes, headaches, and sleeplessness came upon me one after another, and I was obliged to give up my studies for some time.

First Voyage on a Steamer

In the winter of the same year I had the first opportunity to take a voyage on a steamer to Tamashima, a seaport a little beyond Okayama. The schooner belonged to the prince of Matsuyama, who was closely related to my prince. On that account he gave me a free passage. It took us a little over three months to come back to Yedo. I enjoyed it exceedingly, and was also benefited by staying away so far from my prince's square inclosure where I spent all my younger days, and where I supposed that the heavens were but a little square patch. It was my first experience in mingling with different people and seeing different places. Evidently the sphere of my mental horizon was much widened by that voyage. I visited, the city of Osaka, where I had my first opportunity to taste beef. Being filled by a fresh idea for freedom, I planned to get rid of my obligation to my prince by connecting myself with the Shogun's government. The way to secure it was to be employed by him as a navigator, but that plan was soon banished from my thought when I found out something of the life of those employed in the Shogun's navy. Their base and licentious life shocked me. I did not like to mingle with them. So I found no way to sever myself from my prince. Still my strong desire to obtain freedom became a real incentive to disregard and disobey him. I refused his order decidedly when I was compelled to take up a musket and prepare myself to be his soldier.

Finding the Heavenly Father

The war-cloud was then becoming intensely thick in the country. My prince was obliged to stand up for the cause of the unfortunate Shogun against the rising imperial party. As for me, I had full sympathy with the latter party, and often wished to join them. Yet a tender cord which bound me to my parents and grandfather tied me also to their prince. This was to me another severe trial. I became extremely nervous and irritable, and I might have been utterly ruined if I had not found a consoling friend to rescue me from this trouble. He often invited me to his house to study Dutch with him, and as he was farther advanced in the study he was a great help to me. He lent me a number of books to read, and among them I found a Japanese translation of the story of Robinson Crusoe. It created in me a desire to visit foreign lands. Being pleased with it, I showed it to my grandfather and urged him to read it. When he read it through, he gave me a solemn warning, saying, 'Young man, don't read such a book; I fear it will mislead you.' At that thne I received permission from my prince to go to a private school, and stayed there a part of the time when he did not require my service. Some tune afterwards my friend lent me a number of Chinese books. One of them was a historical geography of the United States written by the Rev. Dr. Bridgman of the North China mission. Another was a brief History of the world written by an English missionary in China. Another was Dr. Williamson's little magazine; and what excited most my curiosity were a few Christian books, published either at Shanghai or Hongkong. I read them with close attention. I was partly a skeptic, and partly struck with reverential awe. I became acquainted with the name of the Creator through those Dutch books I studied before, but it never came home so dear to my heart as when I read the simple story of God's creation of the universe on those pages of a brief Chinese Bible History. I found out that the world we live upon was created by his unseen hand, and not by a mere chance. I discovered in the same History his other name was the 'Heavenly Father,' which created in me more reverence towards Him, because I thought He was more to me than a mere Creator of the world. All these books helped me to behold a being somewhat dimly yet in my mental eye, who was so blindly concealed from me during the first two decades of my life.

Changing of Thought, Making of Decision

Not being able to see any foreign missionaries then, I could not obtain any explanations on many points, and I wished at once to visit a land where the gospel is freely taught, and from whence teachers of God's words were sent out. Having recognized God as my Heavenly Father, I felt I was no longer inseparably bound to my parents. I discovered for the first time that the doctrines of Confucius on the filial relation were too narrow and fallacious. I said then:' I am no more my parents', but my God's.' A strong cord which had held me strongly to my father's home was broken asunder at that moment. I felt then that I must take my own course. I must serve my Heavenly Father more than my earthly parents. This new idea gave me courage to make a decision to forsake my prince, and also to leave my home and my country temporarily.

Planning to Visit Hakodate

While I was walking on the streets of Yedo one morning, I met quite unexpectedly a friend whose acquaintance I formed during my voyage to Tamashima. He informed me that the prince's schooner was going to leave Yedo for Hakodate within three days. Knowing that I was still interested in navigation, he asked me whether I would take a short voyage to Hakodate with her. Possibly it was a mere complimentary question on his part, but to me it was a question of no small interest. He went off on his way quickly, and I my own, without saying anything definite on the subject. But soon after the separation a thought flashed on me like lightning, that I must not miss this opportunity for going to Hakodate, and from thence attempt an escape to a foreign land. Then the question was how to avail myself of this opportunity. I knew almost too well that my prince would not give me permission to go so far as Hakodate. I thought then the most feasible way to execute my object would be to secure the favor of the Prince Matsuyama, the owner of the schooner, before I said anything either to my prince or to my parents. Without coming home I went directly to a confidential counselor of the prince to ask him to secure the prince's favor for me, to give me a free passage to Hakodate in his vessel. He was much pleased to see me, as I was previously acquainted with him, and presented the case at once to his prince in my behalf. The matter was arranged with the prince that he should hire me to be employed in his vessel on her passage to Hakodate, and should ask my prince's leave that I might go. The prince complied with all my requests with great pleasure, and sent a messenger to my prince to obtain leave for me from his service. The messenger was particularly instructed by him to obtain a favorable reply without the least delay. Of course my prince could not refuse this special request of Prince Matsuyama, and gave a favorable answer to the messenger at once. This settled my case fairly, and no one could prevent my departure for Hakodate.

A Farewell Dinner

When the news reached my father he was utterly confounded; and although he was quite unwilling to let me go, he could not change the order of the prince. It surprised every one of my neighbors and acquaintances. There was no time to be lost for my preparation; but, through the great diligence of my mother and my sisters, I was quite well equipped to start at once. Two days after the matter was decided that I must depart from home, my grandfather provided a generous dinner, and invited our neighbors and friends to partake of it with us. When we were all seated in a circle in our parlor, having one of those low dinner tables before each one, and were ready to commence eating, he passed around a cup of cold water for us to sip from, after the manner of our solemn departing ceremony, generally performed when we expect no fair chance of seeing each other again. What a trying hour it was to my inexperienced heart ! for every one who was present wept, and none raised up their faces except myself and my grandfather. He skillfully concealed his tears and appeared unusually cheerful; and I kept myself very brave. When the dinner was over my grandfather said to me:' My dear child, your future will be like seeking a pleasure on a mountain of full blossoms. Go your way without a least fear.' This unexpected parting from his lips gave me a full courage to start from home like a man. Then I bowed to him, to my parents, my sisters, and all who were invited there, and left my dear home which I did not expect to see again before I should see the wide world.

Pere Nicholi

My younger brother followed me on the street of Yedo to a considerable distance. When I looked back to speak to him I found him sadly weeping. Then said I: 'Why do you weep, my brother ? You are like a girl. You had better go home from here.* So I sent him back, giving him my parting instruction to be ever diligent in his study. (This was my last sight of my brother. He died in the year 1871, three years before I returned to my home.) Early the following morning we sailed out of Yedo bay, leaving that great city beyond the horizon, glancing now and then at the snow-capped, beautiful Fusiyama in the distance. We stopped here and there on the way to Hakodate for the merchandise of the prince. At the entrance of our harbor we might have experienced a sad shipwreck, being helplessly carried by the strong tide against a reef, if we had not received kindly help from the shore to tow us out of danger. It was in the early part of the spring of 1864 when we left Yedo, and within a month we reached Hakodate in safety. Here I was planning to get access to some foreigners, that through their favor I might attempt an escape. Through a friend of mine I was introduced to Pere Nicholi, a Russian priest, to be his teacher of the Japanese language, so that through his influence I might attain my object. Being far away from home, I became more careful in my observations; what struck me most was the corrupt condition of the people. I thought then, a mere material progress will prove itself useless so long as their morals are in such a deplorable state. Japan needs a moral reformation more than mere material progress, and my purpose was more strengthened to visit a foreign land.

Planning Flight from Japan

After my being with the Russian priest nearly a month at his house, I gradually introduced to him my secret object, and asked his assistance to carry it out. I told him then what Japan needs most is moral reformation, and so far as I am convinced the reformation must be brought through Christianity. He was much pleased with my talk, but warned me against such a project as I had revealed to him. He urged me to stay with him, and told me he would be glad to give me lessons on the Bible as well as in English. Being discouraged with his warning, I began to seek some friends in the foreign concession. The very first friend I found there was a Japanese clerk employed by an English merchant, who showed me a strangely kind attention at a brief interview. I liked him very much and asked him the favor to be received at his office quite often. He told me he would welcome me at any time when he was free from business, and, furthermore, he agreed to teach me English. But after a few interviews with him I revealed to him my long-cherished plan. He was much pleased with it and promised me he would keep it in mind. Having an intense desire to carry out my project, I assumed the costume of the common citizen, and tried to keep myself unnoticed when I went out on the street at Hakodate. I laid aside my long sword, which was then regarded as a mark of the samurai class. I also dressed my hair more simply. It was not more than a week after my confidential conversation with him, when he told me I might equip myself at once for leaving the country. An American captain had given him a consent to take me as far as China. It was his plan that, if I got away as far as China, there might be a better opportunity for me to find a passage to the United States. How glad I was then when I was informed of this fair chance of my seek ing something in an unknown land beyond the sea! Just at that time Pere Nicholi was absent from his house for his summer vacation, and had left it entirely to my charge. Having stayed there nearly two months, I had formed a number of acquaintances, some of whom were high officers of the local government, but to only a few of them did I reveal my plans. When I was almost ready to embark in an American vessel, I made a pretense of being called back to my home, lest my sudden disappearance from Hakodate might rouse suspicion in some of the officers that I was to take refuge in a foreign vessel, and a government ship would be sent to chase after me. At this time any one attempting to leave the country without permission of the government, if retaken, suffered death penalty. While I was making a hasty preparation I found a little spare hour to get my photograph taken by a Russian artist, to be sent to my parents with my farewell letter (This letter was not delivered, lest the friend to whose care it was committed, and the fatheralso, might be subjected to severe punishment by the government; and three years elapsed before the father f Neesima heard from his son). Thereby I gave them notice ofmy departure for a far-off land, having America in view.

Boarding the Berlin at Risk of Life

At the appointed hour I called on my Japanese friend at the foreign concession, who agreed to take me over to the American vessel, which was ready to sail on the following morning for Shanghai. He was there waiting for me, and gave me a warm welcome. He made some hot lemonade for us to drink before we started together on that midnight adventure, and told me I must not be nervous about my hazardous risk. But to my remembrance I was not nervous at all. Before I reached his place I heard a dog barking in the distance, and perceived at once that my Japanese shoes attracted the attention of the animal; so I took them off on the spot, in order to detect how far or in what direction that barking creature might be. When I told my friend where I had left my shoes, he rushed out in his bare feet and brought them back to me. Then we went down together to a wharf where he had ready a small boat. While we were standing on the wharf we heard somebody coming, so I hurried to the boat and laid flat down on the bottom, to make an appearance that I was one of the bundles that contained a few articles of my own. It proved to be a watchman, and the chance was he would catch both of us. But, providentially, he was a coward, and dared not approach close enough to detect us. He only saw my friend on the wharf about to untie the boat, and asked him in a trembling voice, 'Who is here ?' 'It is I,' replied my friend calmly, and said further that he had necessary business with the captain of an American vessel which could not be delayed until tomorrow. My friend was well known to the watchman, who recognized him at once, and his brief explanation, spoken in such a quiet and confidential manner, was quite enough to be a passport to let him off from the wharf even in a midnight hour. As we rowed away we saw the thousands of lights on the shore. The people were celebrating a festival of one of their heathen gods. As the American vessel was lying quite far from the shore, it required in us considerable effort to reach it. The captain was waiting for us, and we were taken on board the Berlin without the least delay. Giving me a warm grip of hand, my friend bade me farewell and rowed to the shore alone, and I was taken to a store-room of the cabin and locked up. I went to sleep at once, and had a splendid night, being aroused by the brisk steps of sailors overhead in the morning. I heard also some Japanese talking with the captain in the cabin, customhouse officers, come on board to examine the vessel before she left the harbor. It was useless for me to rise, because I was locked up in my room; so I remained quietly waiting for the captain's summons.

Shanghai Bound

At that moment all the past events of my life came to my recollection. What troubled me most was my filial affection to my parents and grandfather, so touchingly roused up then. However, it was too late for me to look back, and I was glad for my success so far. It was no small undertaking for me to start a new life who had no experience in hardships, and to launch myself into the almost boundless ocean to seek something to satisfy my unquenchable appetite. What kept up my courage was an idea that the unseen hand would not fail to guide me. I had also an idea of risking my life for a new adventure, and said within myself: if t fail in my attempt altogether, it may be no least loss for my country; but if I am permitted to come home after my long exile to yet unknown lands, I may render some service to my dear country. Toward noon the captain unlocked my door and called me up on deck. Then the vessel was quite far off from the harbor, and that beautiful city Hakodate was almost sunk beyond the horizon. We were sailing along the coast, and the blue mountains were more or less within our sight for twelve days. When we came to leave the blue peaks of those mountain islands beyond the expansive horizon, I climbed up into the rigging to catch their last sight. I felt then somewhat sensitive, but some thoughts of the future gave me fresh courage, and I looked forward to China instead of looking homeward. Three days after I lost sight of our mountain island our vessel was towed up to Shanghai by a small tugboat.

Terribly Enraged

Here I must mention my experience on the voyage. As I was unable to pay my passage, I agreed with the captain to work for it. So I commenced my service in the cabin. Alas I I could not speak a single word in English. So the captain was kind enough to teach me the names of the objects found in the cabin. It was a regular object lesson. He pointed out an object, speaking its name distinctly that I might catch it. There was one passenger on board. I know not whether he was an American or an Englishman. He also taught me English. Sometimes he treated me very kindly, and sometimes very roughly. I was once beaten by him because I did not understand what he ordered me to do. Then I was terribly enraged, and rushed down to my room for my Japanese sword to revenge myself. When I caught my sword and was about to dash out of the room, a thought came to me at once that I must take a serious consideration before I should take such an action. So I sat down on my bed and said within myself: This may be a mere trifling matter; I may possibly meet still harder trials hereafter. If I cannot bear this now, how can I expect to meet a serious one ? I felt quite ashamed of my impatience, and resolved that I should never resort to my sword for any causes. Another event took place on the voyage to China. When I had emptied a dish tub, after washing dishes, I carelessly threw a tablespoon overboard. The Chinese steward frightened me by saying, 'The captain will beat you.' I thought it might be a costly silver spoon. Then I took out all the Japanese money I had, went to the cabin, and confessed to the captain by making motions with my hands and shoulders, begging him to take the money for the lost spoon. To my great surprise he smiled at me and refused to take it from me. And here I must not fail to mention the name of the captain who so kindly offered to take me to China at the risk of losing his vessel, viz.: Captain William T. Savory, a citizen of Salem, Mass. At Shanghai I was transferred to another American ship called Wild Rover, commanded by Captain Horace S. Taylor, a native of Chatham, Mass. As Captain Savory was obliged to go back to Japan in the same vessel, he requested Captain Taylor to take charge of me.

On Board the Wild Rover, Off for Boston!

A few days after I came to the ship Wild Rover I presented my long sword to the captain, requesting him to take me to the United States, and I agreed to work out my passage without pay. So I began to work in his cabin. Not being able to call me by my Japanese name, the captain gave me a 'new name,' Joe. Hence my American parents called me Joseph. The ship remained in Shanghai until the first part of September, then sailed to Foochoo for lumber, to be brought to the former port again. Then she went to Hongkong, and from there to Saigon, where she took a cargo of rice for Hongkong. While there I wanted to buy a copy of the Chinese New Testament, but found that my Japanese money would not pass there. So I requested the captain to buy my small sword for eight dollars. Some time after I obtained that money, the captain gave me permission to go on shore with the Chinese steward to get a sight of the city. Then I had a fine chance to purchase a copy of the New Testament in a Chinese bookstore. Soon after the ship unloaded she sailed for Manilla to get a full cargo of hemp for the homeward voyage. When we were ready to sail out from the harbor of Manilla there was a report that an English steamer was lying in wait for American vessels at the entrance of the harbor. We had no idea that the civil war in the United States was over then, and the captain feared that English boat might do some mischief to the ship. He busied himself on deck with his spyglass, and the mates were hurrying down to the magazine to take out powder and balls to be used for self-defense. However, we sailed forward towards the suspicious ship and passed her without the least disturbance. It was the first of April, 1865, when we left Manilla, and it took us just four months to reach Boston. We did not stop on the way, as we had plenty of provisions and water. During the voyage my business was to wait upon the captain at his meals, to keep the cabin in order, etc. I often pulled ropes when I was free from the captain's service. The most enjoyable part of the voyage was my daily calculation of the ship's position with the captain. He was extremely kind to me, and treated me as if I were one of his own brothers. He never spoke any cross words to me. Every one on board treated me pleasantly. I often wished to go to the forecastle to see the sailors, but I was not allowed to do so. The captain warned me to keep far from them. We enjoyed fine weather and fair winds throughout the voyage, with the exception of one or two rough storms. When just off the Cape of Good Hope we saw a waterspout; it was the finest sight I ever saw. Then we caught the trade winds, and sailed daily thirteen miles an hour on an average. When we came near Cape Cod we were informed by a fisherman that the civil war was ended, and President Lincoln assassinated. As we slowly entered the harbor of Boston, and saw the beautiful, busy city, with the gilt dome within a short distance, the captain ordered the crew to let go the anchor. Down it went, and all on board rejoiced that the voyage was ended. But to me it was more than mere rejoicing, for I found soon afterward that the end of the voyage was going to be my happy destiny. Through the kindness of the captain I was introduced to the owner of the ship and his wife. They became at once my fostering parents, in the land of my adoption, through whose untiring care, wise guidance, and constant prayers, I was permitted to realize some dreams I used to dream at home so often and so vaguely in my younger days."


My Younger Days

版権:1934年、同志社校友会(All Rights Reserved)



Joseph Hardy Neesima (新島 襄)




















































2013年のNHK大河ドラマ「八重の桜」を視聴して、昔、同志社在学中に新島襄の英文小冊子"My Younger Days"を購入したまま放置していたことを思い出し、初めて読んでみました。これは滞米中に援助を受けた夫婦に贈った英文の自伝ですが、なぜ国禁を犯してまで米国に密航し、キリスト教を学ぼうとしたのか、その動機と経緯が生で伝わってきましたので日本文に翻訳してみました。当時、外国への渡航は国禁であり、坂本竜馬も望むが果たせず、吉田松陰は失敗して獄死に帰し、ジョン万次郎は漁師であったのにたまたま遭難し、幸運にも捕鯨船に救われ、帰国後は官僚として活躍しましたが、新島襄は自分で望み、工夫を重ねて密航し、帰国後は、日本人の道徳性改善のため、キリスト教布教のために、同志社を設立したという初志貫徹の人であります。新島襄作詞による「寒梅」がまさしくその意気を示すように感じられ、ここに記します。

庭 上 一 寒 梅 (ていじょうのいちかんばい
笑 侵 風 雪 開  わらってふうせつをおかしてひらく
不 争 又 不 力  あらそわず、またつとめず
自 占 百 花 魁  おのずからひゃっかのさきがけをしむ)



  • 「私の若き日々」- 日本人の自伝11/平凡社 \315
  • 「新島襄自伝」日記・紀行文(岩波文庫)同志社編 \1,071
  • 「わが若き日 - 決死の日本脱出記」の第一章「わが若き日」\1,470

"Life and Letters of Joseph Hardy_Neesima.pdf"の中に全文が記載されています:



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